Fundamentals change. Opinions change. Potential changes. Change is constant. We are the product of our genetics, experiences, environment, and determinations, but our futures are not set.
So/Rad is the culmination of 30 years of creating music, art, tech, and human connections. 30 years of fostering collaborative creativity between friends, peers, colleagues, teachers, students, and partners. It is our belief that the creative environment is manufactured, but creation is a mysterious force gifted to humanity.
So/Rad is a commitment to honoring the creative spirit in all endeavors and a dedication to creating our best future.
Sometimes, the quiet ones have the most to say. So/Rad founder, Josh Vargo, has spent most of his life quietly curious. A natural born reverse engineer that needs to know how "it" works. "It" can be anything, from a shredding guitar lick, complicated 3D rig, or advanced analytic algorithm, but all analysis shares a common approach.
The diversity in observations has gleaned that all mysteries can be revealed when we focus on cause and effect, contrasting relationships, and thoughtful experimentation. This is the modus operandi that So/Rad implements to differentiate itself from other creative agencies. An ultimate balance of right and left brain provides the tools to understand why others succeed or fail, but also demands that simply imitating will not suffice. To stand on our own as innovators is how So/Rad has come to exist, and how it proves its worth.